Photography & Videography Policy

The RFC Photography & Videography Policy

1. General Guidelines

•Photography and videography are permitted (and very welcomed!) in all areas of The RFC as long as they do not disrupt other members or operations. If you have questions on what constitutes disruptive behavior, please contact us.

•Members must be respectful of others’ space and avoid recording individuals without their consent.

2. Filming During Regular Business Hours

•Members may use the common spaces for photography/videography during regular hours but may have to work around other members. To avoid any disturbances, we suggest reserving a private room.

•Exclusive use of any area during business hours is not guaranteed without prior approval.

3. Private Use

•Members can rent The RFC outside of normal business hours for private photography or videography sessions.

•The rental rate is $75 per hour with a 2-hour minimum on week days, and a 3-hour minimum on weekends.

•Reservations must be made in advance and are subject to availability.

4. Videographer Coordination

We strongly encourage videographers to reach out ahead of time so we can coordinate our cabinetry schedule. We can help inform you of down times or arrange times where there will be less overall disturbances if sound is an important aspect for your video. Hopefully, this will diminish the potential of extra noise or unnecessary disruption.

We will do our best to direct incoming members to spaces or rooms that are not disruptive to your filming.

While we will do our best to accommodate, The RFC cannot guarantee a completely quiet environment during business hours. Please keep in mind that this is a functioning business so it is common for other members, delivery people and staff to be coming and going.